Pets 1227

Terms and conditions

By accepting our terms and conditions, you give your informed consent to all the information set out below

Aggressive or Dangerous Pets: Owners must inform Pets 1227: a. If your pet (s) bite (s), has bitten or is aggressive with people, with other animals. Pets 1227 reserves the right to refuse / stop services for said pets at any time before or during grooming, or the service provided by the company, and that has been required by the owner of the pet, may charge an extra fee per dog aggressive in addition to the regular cleaning charge. b. If your pet has any disease.

Medical or Health Issues and Senior Pets: Grooming procedures can sometimes be stressful, especially for a senior pet with health concerns, and can expose hidden medical problems or aggravate a current one during or after grooming. Because older pets with health problems are more likely to be injured, these pets will be groomed for cleaning in an environment that will not increase their stress. For the benefit of your pet, this contract / agreement will grant Pets 1227 permission to obtain immediate veterinary treatment for your pet should Pets 1227 deem it necessary. In addition, it is understood that the owner will obtain veterinary care for their pet (s) within 24 hours after the date of service, should Pets 1227 deem such action necessary. It is agreed that all veterinary care expenses will be covered by the pet owner, upon signing this contract / agreement.

Knot removal: Pets with tangled fur need extra attention during their grooming session. Knots left in a pet’s fur only get tighter and can strangle the pet’s fur or eventually tear it. Pets 1227 does not want to cause serious or undue stress on your pet. Knots are difficult to remove and may require the pet to be shaved. When necessary, removing a highly tangled layer includes risks of cuts, and skin irritation / abrasions due to warts, moles, or skin folds caught in knots. Heavy knots can also trap moisture and urine near your pet’s skin, allowing mold, fungus, or bacteria to grow, causing skin irritations that existed before the grooming process. The torn skin of the knots can also harbor worms. Side effects of knot removal procedures can include itching, redness of the skin, irritations or self-inflicted abrasions, and lack of hair growth. In some cases, pets may also exhibit brief behavioral changes. Prevention is the best defense against knots when scheduling regular grooming appointments. There is an extra charge for detangling.

Accidents: There is a possibility of an accident occurring. Grooming equipment is sharp, although we take great care and caution in all situations, possible nicks, cuts, scrapes, nail punctures, etc. can occur. In most cases this can happen when the pet moves. Every effort is made to groom your pet in the safest way, but it is dangerous to continue working on a stressed pet. A pet that is deemed overly stressed due to owner interference will have their grooming session terminated, whether completed or not, and we will charge full price.

Maintain a harmless agreement: By signing this agreement, you do not agree in any way to hold Pets 1227, its owners and operators, harmless from any damage, loss or claim arising out of any condition of the undersigned pets, known or unknown to Pets 1227. It is also understood and agreed that the terms of this agreement may change at any time, without prior notice, and will overwrite each and every previously signed contract or release. Furthermore, it is understood that this clause applies to each and every groomed pet. I have read and accept the policies of Pets 1227.

I agree and understand that flea and tick treatments, medicated shampoo, special cuts, special treatments for redness of skin or health problems, and / or when the pet has aggressive behavior, or any additional services will cause additional charges.